Open Access Statement

Open Access Statement

We, the publishers of the International Journal of Society and Law are committed to promoting knowledge dissemination and sharing high-quality research in the fields of management, economics, and accounting. Therefore, we hereby adopt an open access policy for our journal.

  1. Open Access: We are dedicated to providing free and unrestricted access to all articles published in the Journal of Management, Economics, and Accounting to readers worldwide. We ensure that these articles are accessible online without any financial barriers or institutional access restrictions.

  2. Creative Commons ShareAlike License: We apply a Creative Commons ShareAlike License, such as CC BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike), to all articles published in this journal. This means that anyone is granted the right to distribute, modify, use commercially, or use these articles for non-commercial purposes, as long as proper attribution is given to the original source and authors.

  3. Data Availability: We encourage authors to include their research data in their articles or make it available through open repositories. By doing so, we aim to facilitate the reproducibility, verification, and reuse of the underlying data.

  4. Peer Review: We uphold publication quality by implementing a rigorous peer review process. Authors remain responsible for presenting high-quality research and meeting the scientific standards established by this journal.

  5. Sustainability: We strive for the sustainability of open access publishing by exploring viable financial models, seeking support from funding agencies, and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to ensure the long-term availability and accessibility of the Journal of Management, Economics, and Accounting.

By adopting this open access policy with a Creative Commons ShareAlike License, we aim to foster a global knowledge-sharing environment and advance the fields of management, economics, and accounting for the betterment of society.